I've really enjoyed the last couple weeks and getting excited about going on the Not Without You adventure together...
For the next little while we've got some awesome ideas as to what to talk about at group. The new series is called People. We'll be talking about what it really means to be a friend, family member, neighbor and stranger and discussing our responsibilities to the different people in our life. The series will look like this:
May 16: Friendship. One of the most challenging things for people our age is not being flaky and maintaining faithful friendships. Come to share and learn about what it means to be a friend!
May 23: Family. What does it mean to be a son/daughter in a family? How do we transition from dependent to independent?
May 30: No Meeting! Back in action next week.
June 13: Others close by. Everyday we interact with people at work, coffee shops, and stores. How do we love those around us who we come in contact with, but don't really know?
June 20: Others far away. Are we responsible to people around the world we'll never know? How can we live our life every day in a way that is loving of those far away from our day to day?
Cool - I'm super excited. Make sure to come, bring snacks and friends!