Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Series! The Open Table!

Hey Friends,

We are excited to announce our new College Group series called The Open Table. This is a DVD led discussion crafted by Author Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God knows What). This is a PERFECT opportunity to invite ANYONE who might benefit from a discussion about God. After watching the videos personally, I'm really excited to see what comes of our conversations. Make sure to come!

Also - Myanmar Applications will be due September 7.

See you Monday!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8/24- 8/31 Update

Hey Friends,

College Group last night was fun. The cookies and guac were tasty and the conversation was engaging. I was encouraged by the interest about Myanmar and CrossWinds' connection to the people there. I'm really excited to see how our College Group Community will be used to both raise awareness about Myanmar and impact the situation within Myanmar.

For those of you who were interested in coming on the trip, we will be taking applications through September 7, but the sooner you turn them in the better.

Also - in our conversation the movie BURMA VJ was brought up. If you would like to learn more about it check it our here: Bumra VJ Our plan is to see the movie together - a "bonding time" Sunday October 4th in SF at the Red Vic Theater. This will be great chance for us to hang out together, and learn more about Myanmar. Please make the plans to come, and bring friends!

If you have any other thoughts or questions about Myanmar, lets continue this discussion online!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Here we go!

Hey Everyone,

Last night was fun. Erin and Sara both sounded great. It was really cool to see everyone again, I got really excited for the fall and the potential of the group. Here is a recap picture listing some of the ideas we talked about. I can't wait to see what comes next!

Next week we'll be talking about the Church's place around the world. We'll be asking questions like... Is missions work loving? How has the church's image been negatively affected by missionaries? Are we called to share the gospel with others? Are we called to serve people around us? We'll be using CrossWinds' connection to Myanmar as a conversation starter. Should be fun. Make sure to come as I think it will be challenging, educational, and compelling.