It's pretty likely that most of us have been in some form of romantic relationship. From a simple crush to a committed marriage, relationships are something almost all people experience at some point in their lives. For the next few weeks at College Group we're going to be discussing the views/lessons/traps/blessings/joys/challenges of being in relationships. Each week will be a different topic so make sure not to miss it!
March 7: Views on Relationships. This week will be about comparing/contrasting the latest cultural patterns in relationships with the Biblical direction of relationships. Should be a heated discussion!
March 14: Since this is college group and most of us are not yet married, we thought it would be helpful to talk about what it means to be single and bring up issues like purity, pressure to be in a relationship, how to do dating right, and love.
March 21: Learning from a young married couple: We've decided that it would be awesome to hear from a young couple learning how to be married. We'll be asking questions like: What advice do they have for us, what challenges did they not expect, etc.
March 28: Learning from an established married couple: Just like last week we'll be hearing from the wisdom of those who have been married for a little bit longer. Should be really insightful!
Cool, I'm stoked! Make sure to bring friends/food! See ya Sunday at 7:00 at 3644 Oakhurst Way Dublin.