So it's Summer and we're excited to have all the College students who are back home. Last week week was packed! There was such a fun feeling of the evening; the conversation was great, the video was cool, and the topic was compelling. I'm really stoked about this summer and College Group.
The past series of topics has been phenomenal. Lets recap some of the issues we have discussed: 1) SOLD - Human trafficking 2) World Hunger - Feed My Starving Children 3) The Child Soldiers of Uganda - Invisible Children 4) KIVA - Micro-loans 5) Consumerism - TOMs Shoes
If you haven't been yet, make sure to come because it has been awesome!
So we need your help brainstorming what we want to talk about next. Our hope for College Group is that each week is an engaging conversation about important subjects where any vantage point is welcomed. If you could ask any question what would you ask? If you could tell others about one thing what would it be? Have you ever wondered about the Christian faith? What are some issues college students face today?
If you have any ideas on where to take the group - let us know, this is YOUR college group!
See you Monday!