Friday, January 16, 2009

College Discussion!

Hey Guys and Gals,

Monday was great.  The Coffee was hot and it was cool watching everyone interact and mingle. I was really encouraged by the potential of College Group and what people can get out of it.  So I wanted to start an online discussion on any subject worth discussing.  If something is on your mind, lets hear it.  

I'll start by raising this question: 

I am traveling to Burma on Monday.  A nation whose people live in poverty, oppression, and neglect.  Please take a moment and read about it here - US Campaign for Burma.  Here's my question - Why does God allow this to go on?  Why do we get to live in relative lavishness in America while so much of the world suffers?  Why does the plight of the Burmese people go relatively unnoticed by most of the world?  Why are some people born into hardship and others allowed a free pass to comfort?  What do you think?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winter Community Life Rally - College Group Winter Kick Off!

Winter Community Life Rally - College Group Winter Kick-off!
Join us January  12, from 7:00-8:30pm

Next Monday will be our College Group Winter Kick Off - Make sure to be here.  This is how these its being described by some CrossWinds Leaders:

"Like coffee, the winter Community Life groups, events, and projects will add the extra "jolt" to your soul.  Like dessert, there is nothing sweeter than getting to Know, Love and Reflect Jesus - and that is what Community Life at CrossWinds is all about.  Start your year off by waking up and indulging your spiritual life for the year ahead.  Meet other CrossWinders from your side of town, and be part of the excitement that is CrossWinds Church."

Monday the 12th will be a hang-out / desert to meet some new people and talk about what college group is.  Invite anyone!  

Also - We were thinking - what should college group be about?  What would make you want to come every week?  lets start a discussion and dream about what college group could be.