After some discussion, it seems that Sunday Night will best meet our groups needs. So starting January 10, College Group will be moving from Monday to Sunday nights at the same location and 30 mins earlier at 7:00. There will be no college group between now and then as its Christmas time and some of us will be out of town. See you all Jan 10 @ 7:00! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009
New Series! The Open Table!

Hey Friends,
We are excited to announce our new College Group series called The Open Table. This is a DVD led discussion crafted by Author Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God knows What). This is a PERFECT opportunity to invite ANYONE who might benefit from a discussion about God. After watching the videos personally, I'm really excited to see what comes of our conversations. Make sure to come!
Also - Myanmar Applications will be due September 7.
See you Monday!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
8/24- 8/31 Update
College Group last night was fun. The cookies and guac were tasty and the conversation was engaging. I was encouraged by the interest about Myanmar and CrossWinds' connection to the people there. I'm really excited to see how our College Group Community will be used to both raise awareness about Myanmar and impact the situation within Myanmar.
For those of you who were interested in coming on the trip, we will be taking applications through September 7, but the sooner you turn them in the better.
Also - in our conversation the movie BURMA VJ was brought up. If you would like to learn more about it check it our here: Bumra VJ Our plan is to see the movie together - a "bonding time" Sunday October 4th in SF at the Red Vic Theater. This will be great chance for us to hang out together, and learn more about Myanmar. Please make the plans to come, and bring friends!

If you have any other thoughts or questions about Myanmar, lets continue this discussion online!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Here we go!
Last night was fun. Erin and Sara both sounded great. It was really cool to see everyone again, I got really excited for the fall and the potential of the group. Here is a recap picture listing some of the ideas we talked about. I can't wait to see what comes next!

Next week we'll be talking about the Church's place around the world. We'll be asking questions like... Is missions work loving? How has the church's image been negatively affected by missionaries? Are we called to share the gospel with others? Are we called to serve people around us? We'll be using CrossWinds' connection to Myanmar as a conversation starter. Should be fun. Make sure to come as I think it will be challenging, educational, and compelling.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fall 09 College Group Kick Off! Aug 17!
Monday, July 20, 2009
College Group Update!
There will be no college group until August 15 when we relaunch it in a new location. I'm moving to a new house, so we will be doing it from there once I move in. Spread the word and see you then!
The new location is:
3644 Oakhurst Way
Dublin, CA 94568Friday, June 5, 2009

So it's Summer and we're excited to have all the College students who are back home. Last week week was packed! There was such a fun feeling of the evening; the conversation was great, the video was cool, and the topic was compelling. I'm really stoked about this summer and College Group.
The past series of topics has been phenomenal. Lets recap some of the issues we have discussed: 1) SOLD - Human trafficking 2) World Hunger - Feed My Starving Children 3) The Child Soldiers of Uganda - Invisible Children 4) KIVA - Micro-loans 5) Consumerism - TOMs Shoes
If you haven't been yet, make sure to come because it has been awesome!
So we need your help brainstorming what we want to talk about next. Our hope for College Group is that each week is an engaging conversation about important subjects where any vantage point is welcomed. If you could ask any question what would you ask? If you could tell others about one thing what would it be? Have you ever wondered about the Christian faith? What are some issues college students face today?
If you have any ideas on where to take the group - let us know, this is YOUR college group!
See you Monday!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last night was a really cool discussion on Church and our generations' heart for it. I was really encouraged by our discussion. If you want to read an article to further your discussion check this out -
See you next week for Kiva!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Nooma, Kiva, and Feed My starving Children
Hi everyone.
Last night was really cool. It was a tough conversation to have but good stuff came out of it. It's always hard to hear stories of such hardship and injustice. I was encouraged by our frustration and your broken hearts for those kids. Maybe we can do some thing.

Last night was really cool. It was a tough conversation to have but good stuff came out of it. It's always hard to hear stories of such hardship and injustice. I was encouraged by our frustration and your broken hearts for those kids. Maybe we can do some thing.
If you want more info on the invisible children check out there site: invisible children

On another note next week we'll be looking at a Nooma video, and the week after we'll be researching micro-loans and an organization called Kiva. If you want more info on them go here: Kiva

Lastly - It looks like we'll be volunteering for Feed My Starving Children on either June 4th or 5th. We'll keep you posted.
To find our more info on FMSC go here: Feed My Starving Children
To find our more info on FMSC go here: Feed My Starving Children

Wow, we're doing a lot of cool things at college group good job gang!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Nooma and Important Causes
Hi friends - right now we're alternating between important causes in our world and Nooma videos. Come hang out for engaging discussion, challenging information, and snacks!
See you tonight!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
No College Group Monday April 13!
Just a heads up to everyone, there is NO college group Monday April 13 on account of Easter and stuff. See you next week!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Nooma and SOLD March 30.

Coming up next is our series on current social issues. On MARCH 30 our dear friend Rachel Goble will be informing us on a very pressing issue in our world, human trafficking. Be excited for this, as I'm sure it will be tremendously powerful. If you want to hear more about SOLD check out their website:
Sweet, thats all for now - we'll see you Monday!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ephesians and Nooma

If you have any further thoughts, questions, or any stories etc. feel completely free to share your heart.

If you want to be reading ahead in the Bible discussion check out Ephesians Chapters 3 and 4. Next week we'll be discussion a Nooma Video.
See you all soon!
Friday, January 16, 2009
College Discussion!

Hey Guys and Gals,
Monday was great. The Coffee was hot and it was cool watching everyone interact and mingle. I was really encouraged by the potential of College Group and what people can get out of it. So I wanted to start an online discussion on any subject worth discussing. If something is on your mind, lets hear it.
I'll start by raising this question:

I am traveling to Burma on Monday. A nation whose people live in poverty, oppression, and neglect. Please take a moment and read about it here - US Campaign for Burma. Here's my question - Why does God allow this to go on? Why do we get to live in relative lavishness in America while so much of the world suffers? Why does the plight of the Burmese people go relatively unnoticed by most of the world? Why are some people born into hardship and others allowed a free pass to comfort? What do you think?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Winter Community Life Rally - College Group Winter Kick Off!

Join us January 12, from 7:00-8:30pm
Next Monday will be our College Group Winter Kick Off - Make sure to be here. This is how these its being described by some CrossWinds Leaders:
"Like coffee, the winter Community Life groups, events, and projects will add the extra "jolt" to your soul. Like dessert, there is nothing sweeter than getting to Know, Love and Reflect Jesus - and that is what Community Life at CrossWinds is all about. Start your year off by waking up and indulging your spiritual life for the year ahead. Meet other CrossWinders from your side of town, and be part of the excitement that is CrossWinds Church."
Monday the 12th will be a hang-out / desert to meet some new people and talk about what college group is. Invite anyone!
Also - We were thinking - what should college group be about? What would make you want to come every week? lets start a discussion and dream about what college group could be.
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